The Foundation Team presently comprises the Management and Administration team as well as the Operations Team.   

The Management Team responsible for charting the direction of the Foundation and the day to day management is led by our Chairman, Mr Khamla Lolonsy, a former Government Minister who is very familiar with the regulatory landscape in Laos. Vice-Chair, Andrew Ong serves as a volunteer and works for the Foundation both out of Vientiane and Singapore. They are assisted by an able and dedicated team of administrative officers who work from the Foundation’s offices in Chantabouly, Vientiane.


1. Mr. Laphone            KEOBOUNKHONG   

2. Mr. Bounlueth         VILAYSONE

3. Mr. Lerdvilay            DUANGBOUTDY

4. Mr. Sert SEN

5. Mr. Fongsamouth SAYCHANDY

6. Mrs. Viengsavanh SAIYAVONG

7. Mrs. Pharnapone PHAVONG

8. Mr. Khamla LORLONESY (In the middle)

9. Mr. Andrew Ong

The Ops Team works under the direction of the Management and Admin Team. Currently the Ops Team is based in Longxan to oversee the implementation of the Foundation’s signature programme in Longxan, Xaisomboun Province.  


1. Mr. Souleevong  MOUAXAIMA      

2. Mr. Yengyang    Xaychu         

3. Mr. Vongvilai   SENGSULICHAN   

4. Mr. Vanhkham    LOUANGOUDOM    

5. Mr. Yerlor      BRIAYAO

6. Miss. Valee     PHEWPHACHAN    

7. Mr. Saylend     SAYAXANGLY     

8. Miss. Lattana   SIKHAMPHANITH  

9. Miss. Anisa       LUANGOUDOME  

10. Miss. Maneechanh  NAMMAVONG

11. Mr.   Seesawad    BOUNCHANTHONE

12. Mr.   Supernoy    SANASIN     

13. MR.   Bath        VILAISIT     

14. Miss. Khambai   HOMPAYLAVANH  

15. Mr.   Bounmee   MOUAXIAMA   

Members of the Ops Team can be quickly mobilised to locate themselves wherever the greatest need arises; for example, when a natural disaster strikes, Ops Team members will be immediately re-deployed to the relief area to lend necessary assistance. The Management and Administration Team will then provide the required leadership and support to ensure a successful mission.